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uPVC Windows Heathfield

We offer industry leading uPVC windows in Heathfield, East Sussex. High quality double glazing for windows, doors and conservatories.
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uPVC Windows in Heathfield

CoastalGlass proudly install Liniar uPVC windows, industry leading windows that are of the highest quality. We are based in Eastbourne and are proud to have extended our services to clients across East Sussex, including Heathfield.

With over 20 years of experience, our glazing company supply's and fits windows with precision and care. We are proud of our reputation for great and honest prices, a hardworking and reliable service, and exceptional workmanship and installation. Our installations are available to view in our online gallery and you can visit our Facebook page to see more of our recent installations. From replacing a single window to undertaking a complete double glazing re-fit - our team take pride in every project we complete.

High Quality Double Glazing

We offer top of the range double glazing and triple glazing. All of our windows are energy efficient, environmentally friendly and highly secure (with toughened glass for added security). Weatherseals are added to all windows to prevent the escape of heat and helping you save money on energy bills. Customisation options are available including a range of handles, colours and frame layouts. Hardware choices include traditional operating hardware, sash horns and astragel glazing bars, with window styles ranging from sash to bay windows. You can also choose the design of any pattern glass, ideal for bathrooms and toilets. When choosing between double or triple glazing it's worth noting that the added benefits of triple glazing include enhanced insulation and noise reduction.

uPVC Windows

There are a number of benefits associated with choosing uPVC windows for your home, these include: 

  • Great reduction in noise
  • Stylish in design and adding a touch of 'modern' to your home  
  • Can help increase the value of your property
  • Extra security
  • Highly thermal efficient so less money spent on energy bills

For more information please complete the form above and we will contact you to arrange a free site visit. All quotes provided are free and transparent with no hidden costs!

upvc windows Heathfield

uPVC Windows in Heathfield

CoastalGlass proudly install Liniar uPVC windows, industry leading windows that are of the highest quality. We are based in Eastbourne and are proud to have extended our services to clients across East Sussex, including Heathfield.

With over 20 years of experience, our glazing company supply's and fits windows with precision and care. We are proud of our reputation for great and honest prices, a hardworking and reliable service, and exceptional workmanship and installation. Our installations are available to view in our online gallery and you can visit our Facebook page to see more of our recent installations. From replacing a single window to undertaking a complete double glazing re-fit - our team take pride in every project we complete.

High Quality Double Glazing

We offer top of the range double glazing and triple glazing. All of our windows are energy efficient, environmentally friendly and highly secure (with toughened glass for added security). Weatherseals are added to all windows to prevent the escape of heat and helping you save money on energy bills. Customisation options are available including a range of handles, colours and frame layouts. Hardware choices include traditional operating hardware, sash horns and astragel glazing bars, with window styles ranging from sash to bay windows. You can also choose the design of any pattern glass, ideal for bathrooms and toilets. When choosing between double or triple glazing it's worth noting that the added benefits of triple glazing include enhanced insulation and noise reduction.

uPVC Windows

There are a number of benefits associated with choosing uPVC windows for your home, these include: 

  • Great reduction in noise
  • Stylish in design and adding a touch of 'modern' to your home  
  • Can help increase the value of your property
  • Extra security
  • Highly thermal efficient so less money spent on energy bills

For more information please complete the form above and we will contact you to arrange a free site visit. All quotes provided are free and transparent with no hidden costs!

Always On Time
When we book an appointment with you, we keep it, always.
5-Star Service
We pride ourselves on delivering a perfect service, every time.
Attention to Detail
Our expert fitters have an acute eye for the finer details.
pvcu windows
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